Some links of note...
It’s a great privilege to have interns who want to come and work in a church. But once you have got them, what do you do with them? Kevin de Young has some ideas, especially about what to get them to read. Of course, as a a pastor/boss/mentor you should read them yourself first!
Leon Brown writes about the difficulties P&R Christians have communicating the gospel with non-Christians. He makes a valid point that often we simply use terminology without explanation and expect people to know what we are talking about. Of course, there will be those that would go all the way and say this terminology ought never to be used, even amongst Christians. The trouble is that ‘justification’ is a Bible word and we should use words like them. To say that we never use them amongst Christians is rather like saying a surgeon should never use technical words with his colleagues because he doesn’t with his patients. With this in mind, Leon Brown makes some good points.
John Stevens writes on the meltdown of the broad church in the UK over the last five years. There is hope for evangelical sector which bucks the trend. Sadly, this is a small proportion of the whole. (Presbyterian and Reformed are a small fraction of that!) Interesting, yet it does not change what we need to be doing, central to which is keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ. Read it here.
A curious article I came across on - I have 46 Thanksgiving dinners left with my family. After that, I’ll be dead. It is interesting because having estimated when he is going to die, the author offers up a collection of numbers of times he is going to do a certain thing. It struck a chord because I remember the time in my own life when realised that the number of Christian books I would get to read before I retire or die is finite, and not as great as I would have thought! It got me thinking, “Which books am I going to focus on?" I wouldn’t say I have got that right yet, but is does give pause to think more generally: what am I going to do with the time I have on this earth to be of most use and service to the Lord? What are you going to do?
Finally, an excellent 24-minute podcast interview with Alistair Begg on 31 years of ministry at Parkside Church in Cleveland, OH. Some useful thoughts in there on preparing a sermon.